
The Day the Internet Roared

Jan 19, 2012
Wednesday, Jan. 18, marked the largest online protest in the history of the Internet. Websites from large to small "went dark" in protest of proposed legislation before the U.S. House and Senate that could profoundly change the Internet.

The Internet Fights Back

Jan 18, 2012
To protest two pieces of legislation that threaten the free and open Internet as we know it, thousands of websites, including Wikipedia, are taking themselves offline Others, including Google, are asking users to take action (more)Thousands of websites, including Wikipedia, are taking themselves offline.
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Who’s Supporting SOPA and PIPA?

Jan 15, 2012
ProPublica has created an easy-to-use database that lists the congressional supporters and opponents of two bills that threaten Internet freedom under the guise of strengthening copyright protections. Of the current 80 proponents and 29 contesters, where do your representatives stand?In the SOPA- and PIPA-centered fight for the censorship-free future of the Internet, where do your representatives stand?

House Hits the Pause Button on SOPA

Dec 17, 2011
The House Judiciary Committee, reviewing a proposal for a new law aimed at combating online piracy, suspended discussions Friday without setting a date to reconvene. The move pleased top Internet companies and others who warn that the bill could lead to a new age of censorship on the Web.