Staff / TruthdigJan 2, 2012
Observers credit a spate of attack ads for Newt Gingrich’s recent tumble -- and Mitt Romney’s rise -- in Iowa polls ahead of the state’s Republican caucus. But where did they come from? Not Romney’s campaign, but rather a PAC staffed by former Romney insiders and empowered by the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling to spend as much as it likes to destroy his opponents. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMay 1, 2011
Andrew Breitbart, founder and publisher of America's premier right-wing smear outfit,, has released yet another candid cam hatchet job, this one supposedly showing two professors at the University of Missouri instructing students on how to use violence to further the goals of the labor movement. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Joe Conason / TruthdigMar 11, 2010
When Elizabeth Cheney, William Kristol and their media friends slander Justice Department attorneys as the "al-Qaida 7" and malign the "Department of Jihad," they are engaging in the smear tactics that became synonymous with Joseph McCarthy. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
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Eugene Robinson / TruthdigMar 9, 2010
The former vice president's ambitious daughter has in her hand a list of nine Justice Department lawyers whose "values" she has the gall to question. She ought to spend the time examining her own principles, if she can find them. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigFeb 18, 2010
Is the conservative creator of torture-evangelist "24" really the right person to helm a miniseries about the Kennedys? On the basis of a draft of the script, some scholars say "no." Above is one of those scholars, Theodore C. Sorensen, an adviser to President John F. Kennedy. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Ellen Goodman / TruthdigAug 6, 2009
The screwball industry has ratcheted up from accusing Obama of killing his grandma to accusing him of trying to kill your grandma. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Joe Conason / TruthdigAug 6, 2009
Why this obsession over Obama's birthplace persists is a question that evokes disturbing answers. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigAug 4, 2009
On this Tuesday, the 48th anniversary of your birth, we thought we'd remind you that you were born in Honolulu, which is in the United States of America, no matter what those pesky "birthers" have to say about it. Here's a copy of your birth certificate, in case you need one. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Eugene Robinson / TruthdigAug 4, 2009
If there's been a more clinically insane political phenomenon in my lifetime than the "birthers," I've missed it. Is this what our national discourse has come to? Sheer paranoid fantasy?If there's been a more clinically insane political phenomenon in my lifetime than the "birthers," I've missed it. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigFeb 5, 2009
Two Truthdig contributors are under siege by an "independent historian" and The New York Times If that sounds preposterous, just wait until you see what made it onto the front page Last Sunday, the paper of record cited an unpublished article contending that historian Stanley Kutler deliberately altered transcripts of Nixon's secret tapes in order to protect John Dean. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigNov 7, 2008
On Wednesday, Fox News' Carl Cameron kicked off a round of Republican in-fighting that had snowballed considerably by Wednesday, thanks to reports from unnamed McCain campaign informants about Sarah Palin's alleged "diva"-like behavior. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
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