What Can Skid Row Teach Us About the Future of Policing?
Mar 30, 2017 Longtime Police Officer Deon Joseph discusses homelessness, mental health and crime in L.A.’s most run-down district.
City of Los Angeles Continues to Invade Homeless Camps, Despite Federal Lawsuit
Mar 18, 2016 Los Angeles has faced years of chronic homelessness, and over the past year police have regularly raided encampments. Now a civil rights lawsuit has been filed against the city for exactly those actions -- yet the razing of sites goes on.
Finally Acknowledging the Obvious, Los Angeles Moves to Declare a State of Emergency on Homelessness
Sep 24, 2015 Whether a Truthdig series had anything to do with it or not, the mayor has committed to finding $100 million to get 10,000 people off the streets and into programs to help them.
Helping the Homeless in the Face of GOP’s Brutal Funding Cuts
Sep 18, 2015 The task is labor-intensive, beginning with interviewing one person at a time, and it requires perseverance, patience and a willingness to work against all odds. It is made no easier by a callous, Republican-controlled Congress.
Go Directly to Jail: Punishing the Homeless for Being Homeless
Sep 11, 2015 Although falling asleep, standing still and sitting down are all necessary for survival, more and more communities are treating these behaviors as crimes when done in public places by people with nowhere else to go.
Why Ending Homelessness Is Political Poison
Sep 4, 2015 While the popular idea is that the homeless are addicted or mentally ill, experts say a more common story goes like this: A single parent loses a job and ends up on the streets with his or her children. Meanwhile, officials say there is no political upside to solving the problem.2016 Southern California Journalism Award: First Place, Activism Journalism, All Platforms