
Depriving Palestinians in the West Bank

Dec 20, 2010
Even while it builds settlements on Palestinian territory, Israel is actively preventing Palestinian development in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem by denying basic infrastructure such as electricity and running water to Palestinian communities, according to a report from the group Human Rights Watch.

U.S. Offers F-35s for Extension of Settlement Freeze

Nov 15, 2010
Although the U.S. never has been a neutral arbiter in the Middle East, it's still surprising that Washington has now reportedly promised Israel a long-term security agreement -- including 20 F-35 fighter jets and a pledge to veto any damaging U.N. resolution -- in exchange for a 90-day extension of the Israeli freeze on constructing settlements in the West Bank. Updated
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Netanyahu Urges Settler Restraint

Sep 26, 2010
With a 10-month moratorium on settlement construction in the West Bank about to expire, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is urging Israeli settlers to show restraint. President Barack Obama has prodded Israel to extend the moratorium, and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas says Israel must choose between peace and the continuation of Jewish settlements.

Theatrical Resistance

Aug 29, 2010
It may be obvious to some, but Palestinians aren't the only people upset about Israel's settlement activity. More than 60 Israeli theater professionals have joined a boycott against a new West Bank cultural center in Ariel, an Israeli settlement 12.5 miles within Palestinian territory.

Israel and Palestine Talks, Take 154*

Aug 20, 2010
For the first time in 20 months, Israeli and Palestinian leaders have agreed to resume direct negotiations, scheduled for Sept. 2 in Washington, to talk about such thorny things as Israeli settlement activity, the borders of a future Palestinian state, and the right of Palestinian exiles to return to their homeland.

AIG Settles for $725 Million

Jul 17, 2010
American International Group, 80 percent owned by the U.S. government, has announced it will pay out $725 million in a settlement of a securities fraud lawsuit, begun in 2004, that accused the insurance Gargantua of accounting fraud and stock manipulation.

Jerusalem Jews Tell Elie Wiesel to Get Real

May 13, 2010
You may recall Nobel Prize winner Elie Wiesel’s letter urging President Barack Obama to lay off of Jewish settlements in Jerusalem. A group of prominent intellectuals who actually live in the city have written their own withering response, calling Wiesel’s letter a fantasy “replete with factual errors and false representations.”

PLO Opens Way for Negotiations

May 8, 2010
The Palestinian Liberation Organization has approved indirect talks with Israel, opening the door for the first peace negotiations in a year and a half. One may remember the "proximity talks" that fizzled in March when Israel unexpectedly announced an expansion of illegal settlement plans in East Jerusalem.

Zionism Gets a Turbo Boost

Apr 25, 2010
Some Israeli settlers are taking Zionism to a whole new level. Some 200 settlers, living illegally on occupied Palestinian land, marched on the Palestinian neighborhood of Silwan in East Jerusalem to assert their supposed right to live on occupied land as well as to affirm "Jewish sovereignty over the whole city."