
Senate Kills Estate Tax Bill

Aug 4, 2006
Normally, this would be cause for unbridled celebration. However, Republicans had cowardly and self-servingly tacked an estate tax reduction onto a bill designed to raise the minimum wage. So good legislation had to die in order for a terrible bill never to live.

Poll: Lamont 54%, Lieberman 41%

Aug 3, 2006
With only five days to go before their Aug. 8 Democratic primary, the political novice has opened up a commanding lead on the three-term senator from Connecticut. (Even with the 3% margin of error, Lamont is dusting his opponent.) h/t: Huff Po
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Stewart Straight-Talks McCain on Iraq

Jul 25, 2006
The "Daily Show" host tells the Arizona senator, "President Bush has been very clear that through his leadership, he made the world safer My question to you is this: How much safer can we afford to have him make us?" When McCain wouldn't answer straight, Stewart chided him, saying, "Don't dodge the question" .

Bush Vetoes Stem Cell Bill

Jul 19, 2006
Its official. In his first use of the veto, the president has refused to sign H.R. 810, or ғthe Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005. According to Bush, ԓHuman beings are not a raw material to be exploited or a commodity to be bought or sold. The bill, which passed the Senate just shy of the two-thirds majority needed to override a veto, would undo funding limits imposed by the administration in 2001. The silver lining here might be the impact of this on the midterm elections. Check out the roll call on Daily Kos.

Lieberman to Conn. Voters: Drop Dead!

Jul 11, 2006
Well, we knew this was coming, but now it's official: Sen. Joe Lieberman has created a new political party that he will use to appear on the November ballot if he loses the Democratic primary in August. As such a move would amount to sticking his thumb in the eye of Conn. voters, the name of his new political party is deliciously ironic: Connecticut for Lieberman. Maybe he should have picked something more representative of his backing: Lieberman for Lieberman.