same-sex marriage

Truthdigger of the Week: 9th Circuit Judge Stephen Reinhardt

Feb 10, 2012
Just in time for a certain prefabricated, romance-related holiday that shall remain nameless, we offer you a little valentine (oops!) of our own with a Truthdigger winner who truly brought the love in one inspiring gesture he made in a federal appeals court, of all places. Just in time for V-day, we offer a Truthdigger who brought the love in a federal appeals court, of all places.

Judge Puts Heart Into Prop. 8 Ruling

Feb 10, 2012
In throwing out California’s notorious Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriage, appellate Judge Stephen Reinhardt showed the heart of a romantic and humor in a ringing defense of the often-scorned institution of marriage.Appellate Judge Stephen Reinhardt showed the heart of a romantic and humor in a ringing defense of the often-scorned institution of marriage.
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Appeals Court Declares Prop. 8 Unconstitutional

Feb 7, 2012
Here's some real progress and some good news: On Tuesday, a federal appeals court in San Francisco decided, in a 2-1 ruling, that California's infamous Proposition 8, the same-sex marriage ban approved by voters in 2008, was unconstitutional. Now, on to the Supreme Court.Here's some real progress and some good news.

What Does the Bible Say About Marriage?

Jul 9, 2011
Following the legalization of gay marriage in New York last month, people using religion to justify their bigotry have cried loud and hard about the chaos that’s sure to descend upon the U.S. for the defilement of what they call one of Christianity’s most sacred institutions. Fortunately, some of the Bible’s more intellectually honest students are speaking up. (more)

The Horse and Her Senator

Jun 10, 2011
This shocking (satirical) footage takes a common refrain parroted by opponents of same-sex marriage -- that it would stretch the legal and moral boundaries of matrimony to include all kinds of societal no-nos -- and gallops with it. Tallyho, senator.