ruth bader ginsburg

Wal-Mart 1, Women 0

Jun 20, 2011
The US Supreme Court has ruled unanimously against a group that sued Wal-Mart over alleged sex discrimination in matters of pay and promotion in the name of up to 15 million women who worked there and at Sam's Club since 1998 Monday's decision reversed a California U Court of Appeals decision (more).

SCOTUS Split on Wal-Mart Suit

Mar 31, 2011
Is the law of our land gender-neutral? And might the gender of the justices handling a case -- as in the case of the gargantuan and complex sexual discrimination lawsuit against Wal-Mart under consideration at the U.S. Supreme Court -- impact important legal decisions?
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Stevens Will Hang Up His Robe

Apr 9, 2010
Liberal Justice John Paul Stevens has announced his retirement from the U.S. Supreme Court. The 89-year-old will step down when the court's term ends in June or July, giving President Barack Obama the opportunity to make his second appointment to the high court.

In Praise of Empathy

May 21, 2009
So it is that I am watching the run-up to the nomination of a new Supreme Court justice with eyes wide open. We've already had pre-emptive strikes against three women on the media short list. Elena Kagan, Diane Wood and Sonia Sotomayor are getting the scary radical treatment without even getting picked.

Keeping the Supreme Court in Check

Nov 2, 2008
Neither McCain nor Obama would alter the prevailing jurisprudence in the Supreme Court or in subordinate tribunals. The unfortunate result will be a judiciary that is deferential to presidential powers and law enforcement in the name of fighting international terrorism.