robert gates

Pentagon Puts a Hold on Troop Increase Request

Sep 22, 2009
Although the word is already out that Gen. Stanley McChrystal is about to submit a formal request to the White House to send more American troops to Afghanistan, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that the Pentagon has told McChrystal to wait, perhaps to let the Obama administration reconsider its next move.

McChrystal’s Report Could Change Obama’s Afghanistan Plan

Sep 21, 2009
The situation has changed significantly since President Obama took office last winter and fixed his focus on Afghanistan, and these changes -- including a disputed Afghan presidential election and deadly spikes in insurgent violence -- may spell trouble for Obama's initial strategy in that country, according to an assessment issued by Gen. Stanley McChrystal. Updated
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Afghanistan Surge Limited by ‘Dwell Time’

Aug 17, 2009
Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top commander in Afghanistan, may ask for more troops, but whether he'll get any is in doubt. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has already moved to expand the Army, but getting troops the downtime they need between deployments will limit how many can be sent to the escalating war in South Asia.

House Grounds Fancy Plane Plan

Aug 11, 2009
During a time when the term government spending (not to mention recession) gets quite a few hackles up, House Democratic bigwigs' choice to scrap plans to purchase four posh planes to shuttle congressional leaders around is clearly wise, although the Senate vote may still pose a problem.

Deep-Sixing the F-22

Jul 22, 2009
I'll believe it when it finally happens. But the news that Congress might actually stop production of a high-tech, job-generating and, most of all, high-profit weapons system because it fills no legitimate national security function is a considerable victory for President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, as well as for logic.The end of the F-22 is a considerable victory for President Obama, Robert Gates and logic.

Obama’s Coalition of the Unwilling

May 15, 2009
President Barack Obama dramatically changed course twice on May 13 when he announced he would not release photos of American military personnel “abusing” detainees, reversing the Pentagon’s statement on April 26 that it would comply with a court order -- with the president’s own prompt and emphatic support for release.

Gates Orders a Change of Command in Afghanistan

May 11, 2009
The Pentagon will be replacing the current top American commander in Afghanistan, Gen. David McKiernan, who has served in the position a mere 11 months. The decision comes on the heels of President Obama's new plan for Afghanistan and Pakistan and marks a clear change in strategy in an increasingly complex war.

Backlash Over Defense Budget Cuts Begins

Apr 8, 2009
Although some in Congress applauded Defense Secretary Robert Gates' announcement that the Obama administration would be whittling down the defense budget for 2010, suffice it to say that not everyone is thrilled by this development -- especially those whose districts will be directly impacted by the cuts.