richard schickel
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Filmmaker, Incarcerated

Mar 6, 2012
One of the incidental lessons "This Is Not a Film" teaches is that a film is not a film until it is a film. You can talk about it, outline it, enthuse over it, but it is still just hot air until sets are built, actors engage, cameras roll. And that is what's most touching about this movie. Jafar Panahi is a well-known Iranian filmmaker who has been sentenced to six years in jail and a 20-year ban on making movies (or even talking about them to the press).

The Best (and the Rest) of 2011

Jan 7, 2012
Sorry about this—a 10-best list dragging along in the wake of all the others, which began appearing around Halloween And it isn’t even a nice round 10 in number I could come up with only six movies this year I have my excuses [Pictured above, Werner Herzog, director of "Into the Abyss"]Sorry about this—a 10-best list dragging along in the wake of all the others, which began appearing around Halloween [Above, Werner Herzog, director of "Into the Abyss"].

A ‘War Horse’ and His Boy

Dec 24, 2011
Boy gets horse Boy loses horse Boy (after many adventures, especially by the horse) is reunited with the animal In terms of narrative, that’s all there is to “War Horse” -- except to say that Steven Spielberg’s film is a lovely and touching movie, representing, among other things, a vast improvement on the extraordinarily successful novel and stage play .

The ‘Girl’ Is Good, but Why Bother?

Dec 21, 2011
Here’s a paradox I’ve never encountered in several decades of movie reviewing: a perfectly well-made film that there is absolutely no compelling reason to rush right out and see—especially if you’ve been paying attention to recent developments in popular culture.Here’s a paradox I’ve never encountered in several decades of movie reviewing: a perfectly well-made film that there is absolutely no compelling reason to rush right out and see.

‘Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy’ … Clunker

Dec 10, 2011
Under Tomas Alfredson’s leaden direction, the film, which is set in the 1970s when the Cold War was at its height, consists mainly of guys enigmatically sipping whiskey, smoking cigarettes and exchanging meaningful stares. There’s a mole in the soup. Or, more properly, “The Circus,” as John le Carré has always been pleased to call the British secret service.

‘The Descendants’: Clooney Goes Down Easy

Nov 18, 2011
We exist today in a climate of movie extremes—extreme action, extreme comedy. There are not many mild, agreeable pictures that take place in pleasant surroundings and set people we can identify with to dealing with issues that at sometime or other all of us will have to engage.“The Descendants” is the work of director Alexander Payne, the gentle giant of nice-guy filmmaking (“Sideways,” “About Schmidt”), and, as before, he is not about winding his stories tight and tense.