
Truthdigger of the Week: The Rev. Joel Hunter

Dec 3, 2006
This week Truthdig salutes the Rev. Joel Hunter, who recently resigned as president of the Christian Coalition because the group was unwilling to accept his agenda on global warming, poverty and AIDS. While we don't endorse Hunter's stand on choice and gay marriage, we admire the consistency of his pro-life position. As the pastor himself says, "unless we are caring as much for the vulnerable outside the womb as inside the womb, we're not carrying out the full message of Jesus."
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Weekly Video Roundup

Nov 11, 2006
The best videos of this week include a stunning clip of Bush unabashedly admitting that he lied to America; a hysterical sendup of Rumsfeld's contempt for reporters; and Stephen Colbert's tribute to the scandal-ridden GOP.

Military Newspapers: ‘Rumsfeld Must Go’

Nov 4, 2006
On Monday the Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times and Marine Corps Times will run a joint editorial calling for the resignation or removal of the defense secretary: "Rumsfeld has lost credibility with the uniformed leadership, with the troops, with Congress and with the public at large. His strategy has failed, and his ability to lead is compromised. And although the blame for our failures in Iraq rests with the secretary, it will be the troops who bear its brunt."

UK’s Blair to Resign in 2007, Says Paper

Sep 6, 2006
British Prime Minister Tony Blair has told aides that he will step down as the leader of his party on May 31, 2007, and resign as prime minister on July 26, according to the British tabloid The Sun. He had already announced he would not seek a fourth term in office, but this is the first news of a specific resignation date.

Israeli Reservists Demand Olmert?s Resignation

Aug 22, 2006
The reserve soldiers are calling for their prime minister to step down because, they said, there was "no leadership" and they were inadequately trained for their mission in Lebanon. What effect will this call have on Olmert's standing? Well, it seems to depend on whether or not he's "The Decider," and whether he's the one who decides what's best.

Hillary Clinton: Rumsfeld Should Resign

Aug 4, 2006
Hours after upbraiding him at a congressional hearing over what she called "failed policy" in Iraq, the junior senator from New York told an AP reporter that Rumsfeld should step down. "The secretary has lost credibility with the Congress and with the people," she said. Rumsfeld's latest loss of credibility came during that very hearing. Check it out.