real time with bill maher

?A Little Fit? in the Polls

Mar 31, 2008
A couple of recent polls have indicated that Clinton and Obama supporters would be so devastated by their candidate's loss they would throw their support to McCain. Bill Maher asked Dan Savage to investigate the claim, and Savage concluded that voters were "having a little fit now, because they're not going to have that little fit in November."

Bill Maher vs. Terry McAuliffe

Mar 10, 2008
Clinton campaign chairman Terry McAuliffe joined Bill Maher on Friday for what turned into a surprisingly tough satellite interview, which ended prematurely due to technical difficulties -- and perhaps because of a crack about Bill Clinton and Puerto Rico.

Bill Maher on Smear Tactics

Mar 3, 2008
In this edition of "New Rules," the "Real Time" host takes on Alberto Gonzales, Mexican cruises and conservative slurs: "To honor the life of William F. Buckley, conservatives have to take the high road against Barack Obama."
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The Return of ‘New Rules’

Feb 18, 2008
Bill Maher's writers are back and so is his biting commentary on the political and cultural issues of the week. In this clip, the "Real Time" host tackles the decline of the handshake, Bush's war addiction, the fighting Romneys, McCain's zombie army and why it isn't amazing that the Democrats have suddenly discovered diversity.

Bill Maher on the Politics of Fear

Oct 29, 2007
The "Real Time" host makes the case for prioritizing our fear: "What's really scary this Halloween is that the same group of idea-free losers who won the last presidential election could win the next one by making us afraid of the wrong things, which is why this Halloween, I'm going as something truly horrifying: a melting polar ice cap."

Bill Maher vs. ‘9/11 Truthers’

Oct 22, 2007
The "Real Time" host became so frustrated with a couple of "9/11 Truthers" who infiltrated his audience Friday that he left the stage to personally oversee their expulsion. The fracas was so entertaining that HBO aired the entire incident on the West Coast feed, which could have easily been edited.

Bill Maher on Phony Patriotism

Oct 15, 2007
The "Real Time" host agrees with Barack Obama that wearing an American flag pin is but a token of patriotism that probably doesn't amount to much: "Show me a man wearing an American flag pin in his lapel, and I'll show you an a--hole."

Bill Maher on Bush’s Missionary Zeal

Sep 9, 2007
The "Real Time" host compares the arrogance of missionaries to that of the president, who claims certainty as a virtue: "And the message you hear from Bush apologists these days is, 'Oh, sure, short-term Bush may have f--ked everything up, but he's thinking long-term -- hundred years into the future.' Well, thank you George W. Nostradamus, America's first science-fiction president."