Eugene Robinson / TruthdigJun 6, 2008
There will be plenty of time to chart Barack Obama's attempt to navigate a course between the exigencies of the old politics and the promise of the new, between yesterday and tomorrow, youth and experience, black and white. For now, take a moment to consider the mind-bending improbability of what just happened. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Eugene Robinson / TruthdigMay 9, 2008
Hillary Clinton has campaigned as if the Democratic nomination were hers by divine right. That's why she is falling short -- and that's why she should be persuaded to quit now, before her majestic sense of entitlement splits the party along racial lines. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Joe Conason / TruthdigMay 1, 2008
As Jeremiah Wright gleefully tours the airwaves, inflicting severe political damage with almost every utterance, he is proving that racism isn't the only obstacle to a black president. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
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Staff / TruthdigMay 1, 2008
After an internal investigation of over 300 complaints of racial profiling, the Los Angeles Police Department announced Tuesday that not even one accusation of profiling it received last year had merit. Even more ridiculous is the fact that 2007 marks the sixth consecutive year that the LAPD has failed to find any example of race-based misconduct within its ranks. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
David Sirota / TruthdigApr 18, 2008
The state in which an infamous slaughter of labor organizers occurred in 1914 may not be killing unionists these days but its persecution of them continues. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
BLANKApr 17, 2008
The columnist argues that Barack Obama's "bitter" comments will indeed work against him with white working-class voters. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
David Sirota / TruthdigMar 28, 2008
Since the 1960s, bigotry has undergone an aesthetic makeover. Today, the most pernicious racists do not wear pointy hoods, scream epithets and anonymously burn crosses from behind masks. They don starched suits, recite sententious bromides and stage political lynchings before television cameras. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Eugene Robinson / TruthdigMar 19, 2008
Barack Obama tells the columnist why he chose to ignore the collective political wisdom and confront the issue of race head-on. Having survived the encounter, his speech on the subject could change the way Americans understand one another. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMar 13, 2008
After a good 48 hours or so of pandemonium triggered by her racially charged comments about Barack Obama's candidacy, a still-not-sorry Geraldine Ferraro resigned Wednesday from her post as "Honorary New York Leadership Council Chair" for Hillary Clinton's campaign Meanwhile, Clinton herself said she did regret Ferraro's comments and then some. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigMar 12, 2008
As Barack Obama supporters reacted angrily to her claims that the Illinois senator wouldn't have gotten as far as he has in the '08 race if he was white or female, former VP candidate and Clinton fundraiser Geraldine Ferraro said her statements were taken out of context and warned that Obama "shouldn't antagonize people like me." Updated Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigFeb 26, 2008
The Politico reports that Republican strategists have been clandestinely polling and focus-grouping to determine how America might react to campaign attacks on an African-American or woman presidential candidate. As one strategist explained, "You can't allow the party to be Macaca-ed," a reference to former Sen. George Allen, whose use of a racial slur cost him certain victory in the last election. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Will Durst / TruthdigJan 10, 2008
The humorist explains Clinton's New Hampshire win without polling data or political science but with candid insight into the dark recesses of American prejudice. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
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