
William F. Buckley Jr. Dead at 82

Feb 28, 2008
The father of modern conservatism died while at work in his study. He had suffered from emphysema. Buckley began his distinguished and varied career when conservative ideas were extremely unpopular and managed to build a thriving political movement. Buckley recently raised eyebrows by breaking with President Bush and challenging his conservative credentials.

Talking Empty Heads

Sep 28, 2007
Surely TV news pundits are influential in shaping public opinion, but do they really know anything? The Onion satirizes expert opinion by asking about the situation in Nigeria, as opposed to, say, Hillary's neckline.
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The Real Iraq Progress Report

Aug 22, 2007
The recent parade of political tourists to Iraq, during which easily impressed pundits and members of Congress came to be dazzled by the wonders of the troop surge, probably ensures that this murderous adventure will continue well into the next presidency -- even if the Democrats win.

Ann Coulter Still Hates John Edwards

Jun 27, 2007
What is Ann Coulter's beef with John Edwards? The human scandal factory who once referred to the candidate as a "faggot" has re-emerged from hate radio silence to suggest that she should have said she hoped Edwards would be killed by terrorists. We already know nothing she says should be taken seriously, so why is "Good Morning America" giving her a soapbox?

Bill Maher: Vive La France!

May 7, 2007
The "Real Time" host says that conservatives have to stop rolling their eyes at the French, who have the best healthcare system, an informed and active electorate, public intellectuals and, above all, the common sense to stay out of Iraq.

Welcome to the Boys’ Club

Apr 12, 2007
Shocking behavior from a shock jock is by definition unremarkable. But what bothers Bill Boyarsky about Don Imus, besides his latest racist outburst, is how some mainstream journalists have become his cronies -- and his defenders -- in order to bask in his spotlight.

O’Reilly and Colbert Face to Face

Jan 10, 2007
On Jan. 18 Bill O'Reilly and Stephen Colbert will exchange appearances on each other's shows, putting news TV's highest-rated windbag in direct contact with a satire of himself. Fans wait anxiously to see who will do a better job of faking righteous indignation.