public option
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Real Talk on Health Reform

Oct 17, 2009
President Barack Obama has finally put into words what everyone already knows: that insurance companies are "deceptive and dishonest" in their efforts to kill any semblance of health care reform, no matter the cost. Now let's see if he does anything with this knowledge.

Snowe Helps Baucus Bill Pass Committee Hurdle

Oct 13, 2009
Maine's Olympia Snowe explained her vote for health care reform by saying "when history calls, history calls." It called, she answered, and now the Senate Finance Committee's Baucus bill, which would force Americans to buy health insurance without offering a public option, is off to get married to the more progressive Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee bill.Max Baucus' health care bill has passed the Senate Finance Committee, with the help of lone wolf Sen. Olympia Snowe.

Ad for the Public Option Takes Sen. Ensign to Task

Oct 5, 2009
Nevada Sen. John Ensign's recent infidelity scandal lurks in the background of an ad for the public option running in parts of his home state this week, courtesy of the progressive coalition Health Care for America Now! The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder notes that the coalition has paid $100,000 to run the ad for a week to point out Ensign's financial entanglements with the health care industry.

Obama Pressures Senate on Public Option

Oct 5, 2009
Like a reluctant Sisyphus, the president is still pushing the public option up Capitol Hill According to a report in the L Times, Obama has been trying to sell moderate Democrats on the idea That's no easy task, as many have taken gobs of money from the private health industry and coincidentally oppose meaningful reform.