prop 8

Haggis’ Big Disconnect From Scientology

Feb 8, 2011
Screenwriter and director Paul Haggis' public exit from the Church of Scientology continues with a long exposé in this month's issue of The New Yorker, in which Haggis describes his troubled early years, his initial embrace of L Ron Hubbard's religion and the fallout .
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Reason Beats Hate in Prop. 8 Ruling

Aug 17, 2010
When public discourse is so dominated by hysterical sound bites of religious intolerance and xenophobia, it is inspiring to read federal Judge Vaughn R. Walker’s ruling overturning Proposition 8, the California voter initiative banning same-sex marriage.Judge Walker’s careful, unemotional and thorough decision should provide the final argument for permitting same-sex marriages in California and the rest of the United States.

Why We Won’t Wait

Apr 20, 2010
We won’t wait for the charity of corporate donors, or for the timelines of politicians. If such people care to donate funds or even to take the risk of civil disobedience, they are welcome to join us. On our own terms. But the time when gay people were grateful for small favors is over. We won’t wait for the charity of corporate donors, or for the timelines of politicians. The time when gay people were grateful for small favors is over.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Judge?

Feb 11, 2010
No one would question an African-American judge's capacity to preside over a race discrimination lawsuit or a female jurist's handling of a sexual harassment case. Does it matter if the judge hearing the lawsuit challenging California's ban on same-sex marriage is gay?