
We Told You So

Dec 12, 2008
With the release of three new reports, there’s no debate anymore about who was correct and who wasn’t concerning the economic collapse and the Wall Street bailout. The studies prove that progressive critics were right and the Washington ideologues and the pundits were wrong.

A Tale of Two Nobel Nations

Dec 10, 2008
While the Nobel prizes recognize lifetime achievements in medicine, chemistry, physics, literature, economics and peace, and Sweden is a paragon among progressive, social democracies, there is another side to Sweden and the Nobels that warrants a closer look.
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Back in the USSR

Sep 26, 2008
In the late 1990s, Washington was in the throes of a deregulatory orgy. Many lampooned Rep. Bernie Sanders' opposition to the grotesquerie, and his notoriety as the only self-described socialist in Congress. Nobody guessed that in a few years our country would become the United States' Socialist Republic.

With Friends Like Joe Biden …

Aug 28, 2008
During his speech to the Democratic convention, the aspiring veep praised the courage of his good friend, John McCain -- right before twisting the knife in his back. It's the vice presidential candidate's job to go on the attack, and Joe Biden does his job well.

For Obama, It’s Down and to the Right

Aug 22, 2008
John McCain has spent a small fortune trying to convince voters that Barack Obama is an out-of-touch celebrity (a tactic that appears to be working), but columnist Dave Lindorff argues that Obama's dip in the polls is actually the result of his march to the right, much like the last two Democratic losers.

Enterprising GOP Troubadour Blends Poetry, Politics in ‘Republican Song’

Jul 16, 2008
With all the subtlety of a jackhammer, an enterprising right-wing artiste by the name of Mike Meehan has recorded an election-year anthem, "Please Don't Vote for a Democrat," and has launched a corresponding PR campaign via the Internet and billboard ads -- like this one in noted liberal stronghold Orange County, Florida -- in hopes of striking fear and indignation into the hearts of undecided voters.