
Goldman Sachs Posts Big Profits as SEC Suit Awaits

Apr 20, 2010
Goldman Sachs has demonstrated a remarkable ability to keep pulling in the profits -- and bestowing bonuses on company execs -- regardless of the state of the global economy, and despite what the bank might have done to damage it in the first place On Tuesday (continued)Goldman Sachs has demonstrated a remarkable ability to keep pulling in the profits regardless of the state of the global economy.

BofA Back in the Black

Apr 17, 2010
We can all now breathe a collective sigh of relief: Bank of America has returned to quarterly profit after losing almost $200 million in the last quarter of 2009. The news comes even as home foreclosure activity hit an all-time record in March.
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Robin Hood Hacker

Feb 26, 2010
A hacker using the alias "Neo" has attained almost cult status in Latvia after releasing through Twitter the confidential financial data of allegedly corrupt banks and state-owned companies that profited from the global recession.

Fed to Raise Interest Rate

Feb 19, 2010
The Federal Reserve announced Thursday it would increase the interest rate for temporary bank loans. The New York Times reports that many on Wall Street see this as signaling an end to big bank profits. But some economists say the move was purely technical, with no real effect on how much money is made.

Has Goldman Sachs Gotten Greedier?

Dec 17, 2009
Was there ever a time when Goldman Sachs was more, um, ethical and client-centric than greedy and profit-driven, as its reputation now suggests? That's debatable, but whatever its previous corporate ethos might have been, all signs point to Goldman's current chairman and CEO, Lloyd Blankfein, as the major driving force behind the firm's push for building bigger profits quicker these days.

The Dark Side of Cause-Marketing

Oct 16, 2009
Cause-related marketing, such as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, may just be a way to move products at higher prices. A new report details the difficulty well-intentioned consumers may encounter in getting a tiny portion of their purchases to go to the intended charities.

AIG Logs a Profit

Aug 7, 2009
For almost two years, insurance giant AIG has experienced quarterly losses -- until now. The infamous company is reporting its first profitable quarter since 2007, a turnabout that will give the U.S. government a whopping $1.5 billion gain as a shareholder, while individual shareholders get to split $311 million among themselves.

Big Money for Goldman Sachs

Jul 15, 2009
Fresh off the bailout, Goldman Sachs raked in $3.44 billion in net profit this quarter, beating analysts' already high expectations, and the firm's success will pay off for employees in the form of generous bonuses. Not surprisingly, pro-Goldman types think this is all good news.

Exxon Ignoble

Jan 30, 2009
Resilient and ultimately morally bankrupt, international oil darling Exxon Mobil has managed to take the 2008 medal for most profitable American corporation, despite a 33 percent fall in fourth-quarter earnings.