
The Real Illness Plaguing U.S. Health Care: Inequality

Feb 8, 2014
In addition to doing nothing to address the problem of bankruptcy due to medical debt, the ACA, through Medicaid expansion, has increased the pool of resources that can be repossessed by state authorities to help defer the costs of the program.

The Public-Private Profiteers

Feb 6, 2014
In the cases of healthcare and underwater mortgages, the administration shied away from direct government aid. Instead, it subsidized private companies to serve the people. To get your government-subsidized mortgage modification, you applied at your bank; to get your government-mandated health coverage, you buy private insurance.
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Reign of Error

Dec 6, 2013
As educational reforms themselves grow ever more strident, standardized and, yes, totalitarian in structure, Diane Ravitch embodies the institutional memory that no totalitarian system can abide.As educational reforms grow ever more strident, Diane Ravitch's new book embodies the institutional memory that no totalitarian system can abide.

When Schools Become Dead Zones of Imagination

Aug 17, 2013
Like the dead space of the American mall, the school systems promoted by billionaire un-reformers and titans of finance such as Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, the Walton family and Michael Bloomberg offer the empty ideological seduction of consumerism as the ultimate form of citizenship and learning.