
Indian-American Could Beat the Odds in the South

Oct 20, 2007
The voters of Louisiana are very close to electing as their governor Bobby Jindal, a conservative Republican congressman of Indian descent. While the chattering class is preoccupied with whether the nation is ready for a black or woman president, the conservative Republicans of Louisiana, many of whom once threw their support behind former klansman David Duke, seem to have moved on.

Obama Says Not So Fast

Oct 19, 2007
Appearing on "The Tonight Show," Barack Obama tells Jay Leno that he's not worried about Hillary Clinton's sizable lead in the polls: "Hillary is not the first politician in Washington to declare 'mission accomplished' a little too soon."
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Kissing Up to 300 Million People Is Hard Work

Oct 11, 2007
It's not easy to win over an entire country -- or at least a majority of its voters -- without bruising some feelings. That's particularly true in the early-primary states, where locals place high demands on presidential candidates, who, despite their best efforts, frequently step in it.

4 Democrats to Skip Michigan Primary

Oct 9, 2007
In a gesture of protest against Michigan's decision to hold its presidential primary before Feb. 5, a move that violates Democratic National Committee rules, Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama, John Edwards, Joe Biden and Bill Richardson have pulled out of the state's Jan. 15 primary.

Empty Promises

Sep 28, 2007
Yes, you heard it right: At the Dartmouth College debate Wednesday evening, not one of the three leading Democratic candidates could pledge that all U.S. combat troops would be out of Iraq by the end of his or her first term as president.

Weak Labor’s Strong Clout

Sep 4, 2007
The American labor movement is divided on which candidate to support for president. Its membership is at one of its lowest ebbs in our history. And yet the nation's unions are more politically influential today than they were in the movement's heyday in the 1950s.

Obama Downplays Clinton’s Gain

Aug 7, 2007
Barack Obama's campaign reached out to supporters on Monday, attempting to downplay national polls that show Hillary Clinton gaining more of a lead. Campaign manager David Plouffe said Obama is still doing well in the key primary states, despite a seven-point bump nationally for Hillary.