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By the Way, Your Home Is On Fire

Mar 13, 2014
People in power and bureaucrats seem exceptionally obtuse when it comes to recognizing that the world has changed and the old rules no longer apply.

A New World Order?

Mar 3, 2014
Increasingly, the unitary status of states is being called into question. Civil war, violence, and internecine struggles of various sorts are visibly on the rise. In many cases, state power seems to be draining away to no other state’s gain. So here’s one question: Where exactly is power located on our planet right now?

Feast of Fools

Sep 21, 2012
The campaigns don’t favor the voters with the gratitude and respect owed to their standing as valuable citizens participating in making such a thing as a common good. They stay on message with their parsing of democracy as the ancient Greek name for the American Express card.

Naomi Wolf on Kate Middleton Topless, Pussy Riot, and the Sexualized Female Body

Sep 20, 2012
According to the author of "Vagina: A New Biography," we are undergoing an "unprecedented struggle" among women, their bodies and sexuality. Citing recent examples including the Russian punk band Pussy Riot, the frenzy over "virginity tests" in Egypt and recent efforts in the U.S. to legislate the female body, Wolf argues that female sexuality is being targeted around the world.

Robert Caro, LBJ and the Pursuit of Power

Jun 12, 2012
Robert Caro has so far spent 36 years writing the saga of Lyndon Johnson -- more time than the ambitious Texan spent climbing from Congress to the White House. Caro just released his fourth installment, “The Passage of Power,” which chronicles Johnson’s exit from a strong position in the Senate into the relative powerlessness of the vice presidency.

Chris Hedges in Times Square

Oct 18, 2011
Occupy TVNY has this interview with Chris Hedges, who, during the major global protests on Saturday, compared Occupy Wall Street to the other movements he's covered around the world, from Eastern Europe to the Middle East.