
Note to McCain: Ease Off on the POW Talk

Aug 23, 2008
Patriotism and sacrifice for one's country usually make for reliable go-to topics for politicians, but according to Talking Points Memo, John McCain's detractors and admirers alike are starting to suggest that the Republican presidential hopeful and his campaign honchos dial it down a bit on the subject of McCain's time as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam.

McCain’s POW Cross Story Raises Eyebrows

Aug 18, 2008
John McCain won major points on Saturday for his story about a North Vietnamese prison guard drawing a cross in the dirt, but the tale has bloggers crying foul. Apparently the details of the story have changed over the years, and lately they bear more than a passing resemblance to the memories of the late Russian novelist and gulag survivor Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
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Wes Clark on McCain’s Heroism

Jun 30, 2008
It seems a critique cannot be leveled against John McCain without first paying homage to his time as a prisoner of war. Even Barack Obama is careful not to offend. So it was somewhat surprising on Sunday to hear another veteran, Gen. Wesley Clark, rebuff McCain's war heroism: "Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be president."

The Other Mrs. McCain

Jun 10, 2008
The Brits are in on the American election speculation game, judging by this Daily Mail article about John McCain's first wife, Carol, which, despite reporter Sharon Churcher's "tsk-tsk" tone about McCain's possible philandering and his eventual wife-swap (enter Cindy, beer heiress, pictured), also allows that Carol McCain still cares about her ex-husband and supports him in his political ventures.

What Makes McCain Tick?

Jun 4, 2008
Will the real John McCain stand up? Actually, I don't expect him to, now that he is the Republican presidential candidate, pandering to the irrationalities that drive his party. Nor is it likely that the fawning mass media will pressure him to the point of clarity. But I remain genuinely confused as to what makes him tick.