pope francis

Religion Challenges Left and Right

Aug 5, 2013
Here's the challenge: Americans who are left-of-center are far more religiously diverse than their opponents on the conservative side. When it comes to matters of faith, liberals and Democrats have a far more complicated task of coalition management -- although religion also raises some serious difficulties for the right.
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Detroit’s Pensions Under Attack

Jul 22, 2013
The bankrupt city is looking to cut its already underfunded retirement benefits; given the current economic climate, perhaps it's time for the affordable housing options that were used in the last century to make a comeback; meanwhile, Pope Francis' new banker, hired to clean up the Vatican's messy accounts, comes with sex scandals of his own. These discoveries and more after the jump.

Pope Francis’ Saintly Politics

Jul 7, 2013
Pope Francis is proving himself to be a genuinely holy man, a brilliant politician and a leader who knows that reform requires a keen understanding of how creating a better future demands sophisticated invocations of the past. Nothing demonstrated all three traits better than Francis' announcement that he would make both Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII saints.