
China Is Here

Jul 17, 2009
The planet's already on the brink of resource exhaustion and climate catastrophe, and China is 17 times more populous than America was during our industrial era. If we just sit back and celebrate "miracles," then there's not going to be much of a world left.If we just sit back and celebrate China's "miracle," then there's not going to be much of a world left.

This Common-Sense Solution Brought to You by the 19th Century

Jan 13, 2009
Barack Obama wants to spend as much as a trillion dollars on the nation's infrastructure, from roads to bridges. A video on his transition Web site even touts the economic advantages of fixing potholes. Why so car-centric? A new article in the Washington Monthly claims that spending some of that money on rail lines instead of roads could pay dividends.
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Wanted: New Planet

Oct 29, 2008
If first you don't succeed, get a new planet. A new World Wildlife Fund survey has found that, given the current rate of global consumption and taking into account the capacity of the Earth to regenerate its own resources, the human species will need an entirely new planet by mid-2030 to keep up with our demand for resources and waste disposal.

EPA Tells Agency’s Enforcers to Zip It

Jul 30, 2008
According to an internal e-mail obtained by the AP, the chief of staff of the EPA's enforcement wing has issued a gag order, telling staffers in June exactly what to do should a reporter, the inspector general or the Government Accountability Office call: "Please do not respond to questions or make any statements."

EPA Official Reports White House Meddling

May 20, 2008
A former EPA official, Jason Burnett, told congressional investigators that the White House interfered in a decision regarding California's regulation of carbon emissions. EPA staff members were unanimous in supporting California's right to tougher restrictions, Burnett said, but after the agency spoke with the White House and got "input into the rationale" from Bush aides, the state's request was denied.

Gore: Change Laws and Lightbulbs

Apr 22, 2008
After "An Inconvenient Truth" hit theaters, Al Gore may have won a couple of trophies for his work in fighting climate change, but the former vice president doesn't believe enough has changed where it counts -- in national and international laws.