
Left, Right & Center

Aug 19, 2006
Join Truthdig's Robert Scheer, along with Arianna Huffington, Tony Blankley and Lawrence O'Donnell, for a lively discussion on the week in politics, policy and culture. This week: Cease-Fire--Who Won, Who Lost? Warrantless Wiretap Decision and Appeal; A Review of Iraq War.
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Religious Left Leader: Jesus Was Mum on Gays, Abortion

Jul 11, 2006
"Jesus never said one word about homosexuality, never said one word about civil marriage or abortion," said a prominent religious left leader in an article about religious progressives trying to regain the political ground they lost after the MLK Jr era (h/t: Huff Po) The mixing of religion and politics is a bad idea regardless of the ideological slant But until Sam Harris wins that argument (more).