pharmaceutical industry

Your Handy Guide to Obama’s Health Care Proposal

Feb 24, 2010
Here we have Linda Douglass, communications director for the White House Office of Health Reform, lending her interpretive skills to C-SPAN to talk up some of the details of Barack Obama's health care reform proposal, which she calls an "opening bid" by the president ahead of Thursday's big bipartisan health care huddle.

Doctors Propose Revisions to DSM Manual

Feb 10, 2010
What ends up (or doesn't) in the DSM manual, otherwise known as the bible of psychiatry, can have a major impact on patients, doctors and, of course, Big Pharma. So, it's no surprise that the debates and discussions around what will be included in the DSM's fifth edition are already involved and intense, some three years before the guidebook is due to be released.
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Behold the Food of the Future

Nov 19, 2009
Want some Frankenfood with your superfood? How about those functional foods? As you might imagine, a preview of what we may be eating -- or at least what we may be told is good for us -- in the future is best taken with a grain of salt.

Viagra for the Ladies?

Nov 18, 2009
Did you know that there's a condition called "hypoactive sexual desire disorder," from which many women suffer? Well, there is, or at least a bunch of scientists have decided there is, and sadly, about 10 percent of premenopausal women grapple with it. Luckily, if unsurprisingly, there might be a pill in the works for just this issue.

Frist Supports Health Bill

Oct 3, 2009
Good to know there are some seemingly dyed-in-the-wool GOP types who are at least partly open to some of the health care reform proposals knocking around the halls of Congress. Count among that tiny minority the former Senate Republican chief Bill Frist, who says he'd vote for the measure despite its shortcomings.

‘Hillbilly Heroin’ Gets a Makeover

Sep 23, 2009
So many people grind up and inject or snort the powerful painkiller OxyContin that the drug's maker has had to snap a plastic-like coating around the pill. The FDA says the improvement is marginal at best in reducing abuse of the drug, but better than nothing.

Science Makes Another Play for Human Longevity

Aug 22, 2009
Following a calorically restricted diet may be one way to extend the human life span, but this potential path to longevity comes with the built-in hitch of having to significantly scale back food intake -- and once again, the idea of popping a pill to produce the desired result is being tossed around within the scientific community.

‘Left, Right & Center’: The Return of Big Government?

Aug 15, 2009
President Obama is gambling on America's readiness to embrace a larger, more comprehensive form of government, but will it take? "Recovering Republican" Arianna Huffington argues that the system Obama favors is currently working best for oligarchs, not those losing their homes or worried about their health care, while Tony Blankley thinks Big Pharma is pitching camp in the White House.