
Gates Confirmed by Senate

Dec 7, 2006
Robert Gates has been confirmed by the Senate with enormous support. While much has been made of Gates' "fresh perspective" on the war, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) pointed out that it is the president who structures policy. And this president is notorious for selectively listening to advice.

Another Friendly Fire Coverup by the Army

Dec 6, 2006
Peggy Buryj was told in 2004 that her son Jesse died near Karbala, Iraq, sustaining a back injury while heroically defending an Army checkpoint. She would later learn that he was shot in the back. While the Army, which has destroyed important evidence related to the case, insists a Polish soldier fired the shot, a friend of Jesse's who served with him told his mother an American soldier was to blame. (h/t: Buzzflash)

Gates Says U.S. Isn’t Winning War

Dec 6, 2006
When asked during his confirmation hearing today whether the United States was winning the war in Iraq, Robert Gates said simply, "No, sir." The nominee for defense secretary, who later went on to soften his position, is expected to receive a speedy confirmation. Update: The Senate Armed Services Committee has voted unanimously to recommend approval of Gates' confirmation.
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Can Dr. Evil Save the World?

Nov 24, 2006
The Pentagon's favored weaponeer, above, has a proposal to stop global warming -- without burning less oil, and for a tiny fraction of the cost of mainstream proposals And it's so crazy it just might work It also might destroy the planet in the process Interested? Read on .

Military Newspapers: ‘Rumsfeld Must Go’

Nov 4, 2006
On Monday the Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times and Marine Corps Times will run a joint editorial calling for the resignation or removal of the defense secretary: "Rumsfeld has lost credibility with the uniformed leadership, with the troops, with Congress and with the public at large. His strategy has failed, and his ability to lead is compromised. And although the blame for our failures in Iraq rests with the secretary, it will be the troops who bear its brunt."

Boehner Praises Rumsfeld

Oct 30, 2006
House Majority Leader John Boehner had some warm words for the embattled defense secretary on Sunday: "I think Donald Rumsfeld is the best thing that's happened to the Pentagon in 25 years." The remark prompted Democrats to renew their call to oust the enabling majority in Congress.

General Acknowledges Failure of Baghdad Effort

Oct 20, 2006
Maj. Gen. William B. Caldwell IV expressed concern Thursday over the failure of the military's new Baghdad strategy to curb mounting levels of violence in the city: "In Baghdad alone, we've seen a 22% increase in attacks during the first three weeks of Ramadan, as compared to the three weeks preceding Ramadan."