peace talks

Rabin Turns in His Grave

Nov 20, 2009
Uri Avnery remembers Yitzhak Rabin, Yasser Arafat and the historic Oslo agreement that has since turned to mush. "The public memory," Avnery warns, "is trying nowadays to obliterate" Rabin's "inner revolution" toward peace with the Palestinians.

Obama: No Preconditions on Mideast Peace Talks

Sep 23, 2009
So, things didn't go so well Tuesday for Barack Obama and his honored guests, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the latter of whom refused to budge on the contentious issue of Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Well, now President Obama is doing some not-budging of his own on the issue, as he told the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday.
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Palestinians Love Obama, but Won’t Budge on Settlements

Aug 31, 2009
Dashing the president's hopes to restart the peace process, Palestinian leaders said they would not talk to Israel until there is a "total settlement freeze" Obama has been pushing for just that, but recently indicated a willingness to compromise In the words of one Fatah leader: "I would say, Mr Obama, we love you but I am sorry, this is not enough ".

Israel Reportedly Ready to Return Golan

Apr 23, 2008
"Informed sources" say the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, a historically contested area between Israel and Syria, may soon find itself under new management. The two countries, which have been at war with each other since 1973, are both looking to resume the stalled 2000 peace talk process, which Syria has declared will not happen until the Golan Heights are returned.