
We Told You So

Dec 12, 2008
With the release of three new reports, there’s no debate anymore about who was correct and who wasn’t concerning the economic collapse and the Wall Street bailout. The studies prove that progressive critics were right and the Washington ideologues and the pundits were wrong.
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Military Spending ‘Not Sustainable’

Nov 11, 2008
The Defense Business Board, an official oversight body appointed by the secretary of defense, has warned the president-elect that the Pentagon's bloated budget ($512 billion this year, not including war costs) is "not sustainable." An unprecedented spending spree since 9/11 has run head-on into a financial meltdown, and Barack Obama is now stuck in the middle.

Greenspan Admits Ideological Flaw

Oct 23, 2008
The former Fed chair told angry lawmakers on Thursday that after 40 years of buying into free-market ideology he had "found a flaw." Rep. Henry Waxman told Greenspan "our whole economy is paying the price" because he ignored advice and resisted regulation.

Report: NSA Listened In on Americans’ Phone Sex

Oct 10, 2008
Just what kind of interpretation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act would allow U.S. National Security Agency linguists to eavesdrop on Americans', er, pillow talk? That's the charge being leveled by more than one such NSA interpreter who worked at an NSA listening station at Fort Gordon, Ga.

Lehman Bros. Paid Execs Millions as Company Tanked

Oct 6, 2008
On Monday, the House Oversight and Reform Committee took a look into the collapse of Lehman Brothers as part of a larger review of the factors leading to the current economic crisis, and it wasn't a pretty sight. Judging by the committee's account, leaders at Lehman Bros. disregarded key warnings of impending trouble and cut hefty checks for their fellow executives even as the firm teetered on the brink of disaster.

Saying ‘No Deal’ to This New Deal

Oct 3, 2008
The marriage of American capitalism and democracy has always been a Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee affair -- stormy and erratic since its hasty wedding. But during the debate over a Wall Street bailout this week, we watched that matrimonial knot unwind into a tangled tale of terror.

Pelosi: ‘The Party Is Over’

Sep 30, 2008
Did Nancy Pelosi's speech just before the House vote on the proposed bailout on Monday lead to the bill's demise? Let's hope our legislators aren't so susceptible that an 11th-hour speech would reverse their positions vis-à-vis a $700-billion measure. Here's a clip of the House speaker's comments on the floor.