osama bin laden

Bush Keeps Israel Close, Saudi Arabia Closer

Aug 1, 2007
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is busy shopping a recently unveiled arms package, totaling a staggering $63 billion in aid and first-rate weaponry, to America's Mideast "allies" like Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia -- but, as Scheer notes, there's a discrepancy between the Bush administration's official reasons for this show of goodwill and the real motives behind the deal.
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The Great Bee Mystery

Apr 24, 2007
Whither the bees? An American bee-tracking group has noted an alarming drop in the nation's honeybee count, apparently due to their losing their inborn homing instincts and thus their way back to their hives. Conspiracy theories abound, according to The New York Times, including one claiming that what's going on here is actually "the rapture of the bees."

Calling on Bin Laden

Apr 8, 2007
As if the Iraqi insurgency situation wasn't bad enough, now an al-Qaida chapter based in Iraq is causing additional trouble with homegrown rebel groups -- and calling on Osama bin Laden for assistance.

Saddam and Osama’s Wacky Adventures

Dec 28, 2006
This "Saturday Night Live" parody of Middle Eastern children's television nails the cultural disconnect at the heart of America's adventure in Iraq. Don't miss the brilliant satirical commercials in this episode of "Saddam and Osama." (h/t: Iraq Slogger)