o’reilly factor

O’Reilly Defends DeGeneres, Ellen Chimes In

Feb 8, 2012
Once in a while, Bill O'Reilly strays from the expected Fox News formula and surprises us with his politics, as he did in this clip from Monday's "O'Reilly Factor," in which he compares the bid by the conservative women's group One Million Moms to boycott J.C. Penney for picking Ellen DeGeneres as its spokeswoman to McCarthyist witch hunts of the ’50s. Updated

Stewart Schools O’Reilly on Common

May 17, 2011
And that's just for this round between the two TV talkers -- but who's counting? Once again, Jon Stewart set his comic act aside for a more serious debate with Fox News' leading loofah enthusiast Bill O'Reilly, this time over the White House's shocking inclusion (more).

O’Reilly and Maher Talk Tea Party, Deficit

Oct 1, 2010
Bill Maher is one of the non-apathetic, still supportive liberals when it comes to President Obama, and thus Bill O'Reilly brought Maher onto his Fox News show Wednesday for a debate about the tea party, Obama's opinion ratings and which president is to blame for our staggering deficit.
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Sarah Palin’s Fox Debut

Jan 13, 2010
The self-described pit bull made her punditry premiere with a guest spot on Bill O'Reilly's show. O'Reilly wanted to know why liberals are so threatened by Palin (it's the hair) and whether she thinks Nancy Pelosi is actually crazy. Someone get that man a falafel.

Obama and O’Reilly Square Off

Sep 5, 2008
The first installment of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's interview with Bill O'Reilly aired Thursday, during which the Fox News host drove a hard line about Iran's nuclear program and the success of the "surge" in Iraq. "Why can't you just say, 'I was right in the beginning and I was wrong about the surge?' " asked O'Reilly.

O’Reilly Doth Protest Too Much?

Jul 30, 2008
In response to Scott McClellan's suggestion that White House talking points somehow found their way onto Fox News pundits' teleprompter feeds, Bill O'Reilly took to the airwaves to defend his honor, denying he ever served as a mouthpiece to the Bush White House and declaring, "McClellan would never dare say that to my face."