
Who’s Afraid of Health Care Reform?

Mar 29, 2010
After days of protests over reform, the Obama administration has, in fact, created a change that many Americans can now see and feel The new law, though imperfect, represents progress in a new direction However, it seems that for this step forward some Americans have taken two steps back The new health care law, though imperfect, represents progress in a new direction .
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The Moderate Republican: An Endangered Species

Mar 24, 2010
Boy, the Republicans know how to make Barack Obama look good. What are they going to do now, threaten to repeal a law that forces insurance companies to cover the sick? Or block the provision that allows you to keep your out-of-work kids on your policy until they are 26?Boy, the Republicans know how to make Barack Obama look good. What are they going to do now, threaten to repeal a law that forces insurance companies to cover the sick?

Obama Makes Health Care Reform Official

Mar 23, 2010
After months of partisan bickering, "Obamacare" paranoia and tea-party whimsy, President Obama made the health care reform bill law on Tuesday, signing it with studied deliberation as Vice President Joe Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others from among Fox News' most beloved federal officials looked on.After months of partisan bickering, "Obamacare" paranoia and tea-party whimsy, President Obama signed the health care reform bill into law on Tuesday.

Obama: ‘If This Vote Fails, the Insurance Industry Will Continue to Run Amok’

Mar 19, 2010
Barack Obama, speaking Friday at George Mason University, struck a confident pose during his last-leg speech about health care reform The president waxed nostalgic about his days on the campaign trail before declaring that the controversy over health care reform is "not only about the cost of health care it's a debate about the character of our country" President Barack Obama, speaking Friday at George Mason University, struck a confident pose during his last-leg speech about health care reform .

A Calamity in the Making

Feb 23, 2010
A major reason for enacting health reform is the fate of elderly and disabled patients—especially the indigent—in nursing homes and assisted-care facilities Nobody is affected more by the confluence of the health care stalemate and the recession than these patients.

What Massachusetts Got Right

Jan 20, 2010
The president got creamed in Massachusetts. No amount of blaming this disastrous outcome on the weaknesses of the local Democratic candidate or her Republican opponent’s strengths can gainsay that fact. Obama’s opportunistic search for win-win solutions to our health care concerns and our larger economic problems is leading to a lose-lose outcome for the president and the country.