
The Ugly Side of Superdelegates

Feb 15, 2008
According to The New York Times and others, what was once an alarming possibility now appears likely: The Democratic nomination will probably be decided by superdelegates -- those party bigwigs who exist to keep the will of the people in check. If that happens, expect to see the ugly side of politics out in the open. It's already begun to surface.

McCain Adviser Won’t Attack Obama

Feb 14, 2008
One of John McCain's top advisers, Mark McKinnon, says he will resign from the campaign if Barack Obama wins the Democratic nomination, because "I would simply be uncomfortable being in a campaign that would be inevitably attacking Barack Obama." McKinnon says he would still support McCain from a distance, but "I met Barack Obama, I read his book, I like him a great deal."

Zogby: Clinton Isn’t Done Yet

Feb 14, 2008
Pollster John Zogby has crunched the numbers and he's impressed by Barack Obama's string of election victories, but he says "this deal is not closed" because Hillary "is after all a Clinton -- she and her husband are popular, dogged, able campaigners."
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Clinton’s Worried Supporters

Feb 12, 2008
Clinton insiders talk a lot on the record about Hillary's viability against John McCain, her confidence in Ohio and Texas and her determination to seat delegates from the uncontested Michigan and Florida primaries. But off the record, at least a few wonder if all that long-term thinking isn't a bit premature for a campaign that is losing contests left and right.

The Mukasey Debate

Nov 10, 2007
If you can't say it any better than Ted Kennedy, why try? We certainly won't. Here, the former Truthdigger of the Week speaks for us all as he lays out the case against Mukasey.

Dems Set to Cave on Mukasey

Nov 3, 2007
It looks as though Michael Mukasey is one step closer to becoming attorney general, having secured the support of Democratic Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Charles Schumer. Judiciary Committee Chairman (and former Truthdigger of the Week) Pat Leahy, on the other hand, plans to vote no, because "No American should need a classified briefing to determine whether waterboarding is torture."

Bush: You Get Mukasey or No One at All

Nov 2, 2007
President Bush issued an ultimatum of sorts on Thursday over his embattled nominee for attorney general, Michael Mukasey, who refuses to say whether he considers waterboarding a form of torture. Bush said if the Democrats block the nomination, it "would guarantee that America would have no attorney general during this time of war."