nobel prize

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Feb 5, 2009
The key word being had: The new secretary of energy, Nobel Prize-winning Steven Chu, is making waves in the policy community with his daunting comments about climate change. Chu warns that the farms of California, the nation's leading agricultural producer, could vanish by the end of this century if steps to slow global warming are not taken.

A Tale of Two Nobel Nations

Dec 10, 2008
While the Nobel prizes recognize lifetime achievements in medicine, chemistry, physics, literature, economics and peace, and Sweden is a paragon among progressive, social democracies, there is another side to Sweden and the Nobels that warrants a closer look.
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Vive Le Clézio!

Oct 10, 2008
French novelist Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio was named this year's winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature on Thursday. Le Clézio, whom the Swedish Academy fancifully described as an "author of new departures, poetic adventure and sensual ecstasy, explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilisation," has written more than 20 novels since the early age of 23.

A Moral Force Moves Into History

Aug 4, 2008
He was born into a Cossack family, which was just one of many indications that life wasn't exactly going to be conflict-free for Alexander Solzhenitsyn, who died Aug. 3. The Russian writer survived eight years in Stalin's notorious gulags and became one of his country's most controversial critical thinkers, a process that continued during the two decades he was forced to live in exile.

Scientist: HIV Vaccine at Square One

Feb 15, 2008
Nobel Prize-winning biologist David Baltimore has told his peers that researchers are no closer to discovering an HIV vaccine after decades of study. He called for new approaches and said the challenge was difficult because "to control HIV immunologically the scientific community has to beat out nature, do something that nature, with its advantage of four billion years of evolution, has not been able to do."

From Oil Wars to Water Wars

Dec 12, 2007
While Al Gore and the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were once again warning the world about the devastating effects of global warming, Senate Republicans and the United States government were working at home and abroad to bring us closer to catastrophe.

Gore and Bush Survive Each Other’s Company

Nov 27, 2007
By all accounts it was an awkward meeting between two men who've clearly disliked each other since the 2000 election: Al Gore and George W. Bush, grinning uncomfortably for the cameras. Gore, who was invited by tradition because of his Nobel win, offered a tension-breaking comment during the photo op, but the president just kept smiling in silence.