
Nollywood Rising

Aug 27, 2009
The Nigerian movie industry, known as Nollywood (a play on Hollywood in the manner of Bollywood), has grown from an accidental discovery into a mega-industry of over 2,000 titles and $200M annually. The Nigerian movie industry has grown from an accidental discovery into a mega-industry of over 2,000 titles and $200M annually.
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Nigeria’s War on Gayness

Mar 11, 2009
Not only would a proposed Nigerian law mean prison for gay people who live together, but also anyone who "aids and abets" them. A giant step beyond outlawing gay sex, the law would give police the power to arrest suspected cohabiting gays as well as human rights workers who deal with gay rights.

Powell Busts a Move

Oct 15, 2008
Former Secretary of State and current dance sensation Colin Powell graced the stage of a London hip-hop concert "in celebration of African culture." The song he sang and danced to? A Nigerian hit about people spending money gleaned from U.S. Internet scam victims.

Jimmy Carter: Guess Who I?m For

Apr 4, 2008
The former president and superdelegate wouldn't tell a Nigerian reporter which of the Democratic candidates he intends to support, but he offered a pretty good hint: "Don't forget that [Barack] Obama won in my state of Georgia. My town, which is home to 625 people, is for Obama. My children and their spouses are pro-Obama. My grandchildren are also pro-Obama."

Talking Empty Heads

Sep 28, 2007
Surely TV news pundits are influential in shaping public opinion, but do they really know anything? The Onion satirizes expert opinion by asking about the situation in Nigeria, as opposed to, say, Hillary's neckline.

Meet Nigeria’s New President

Apr 24, 2007
Amid challenges from European Union observers and other candidates' camps, People's Democratic Party member Umaru Yar'Adua was declared the winner of Nigeria's controversial presidential election. Yar'Adua is said to have pulled in 70 percent of the votes, but his party is suspected of rigging the election.