
‘Holocaust Bishop’ Ordered to Recant

Feb 4, 2009
With a media-dubbed moniker that doesn't look good for either party, the "Holocaust Bishop" -- a British bishop recently un-excommunicated by the pope -- is being told by the Vatican to recant his views after news broke that he "believe[s] there were no gas chambers [during World War II]."

Leave World War II Out of Gaza

Jan 17, 2009
I have long raged against any comparisons with the Second World War -- whether of the Arafat-is-Hitler variety once deployed by Menachem Begin or of the anti-war- demonstrators-are- 1930s-appeasers, most recently used by George Bush and Lord Blair of Kut al-Amara.
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Time to Stop the Mideast Comparisons

Jan 11, 2009
It all depends where you live. That was the geography of Israel's propaganda, designed to demonstrate that we softies -- we little baby-coddling liberals living in our secure Western homes -- don't realize the horror of 12 (now 20) Israeli deaths in 10 years and thousands of rockets and the unimaginable trauma and stress of living near Gaza.

Yet Another Faux Memoir Exposed

Dec 30, 2008
The fluidity of memory aside, this is getting a little strange: Following in the footsteps of James Frey, Misha Defonseca and Margaret Seltzer, yet another "memoirist," Herman Rosenblat, has admitted that his supposedly true story, "Angel at the Fence," is a bit lacking in the truth department.

Israel Blocks U.N. Envoy at Airport

Dec 15, 2008
There was no doubt as to Israel's take on recent comments about Israeli-Palestinian relations made by United Nations official Richard Falk when he arrived Sunday at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport, only to be denied entry and sent immediately back to Zurich.

Austrian Rightist’s Postmortem Outing?

Oct 24, 2008
Two weeks after the death of Joerg Haider, former leader of the far-right Austrian Freedom Party, media attention has moved from Haider's fascistic political life to his personal life, with the politician's sexual identity undergoing a bit of a queering, much to the surprise of his ultranationalistic supporters. Haider was a 58-year-old married father of two.

Remembering the Holocaust’s Persecuted Gays

May 28, 2008
Berlin's mayor, Klaus Wowereit, was on hand for the inauguration of a new memorial in the German capital dedicated to the 55,000 gay men who were branded criminals by the Nazi regime before and during World War II -- and of whom about 15,000 were killed in Nazi camps. Above, the artists who created the monument.

Democrats Condemn Bush’s ‘Appeaser’ Comment

May 16, 2008
While addressing the Israeli Knesset, President Bush referred to the willingness of "some" to speak with unsavory leaders such as Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and he went on to compare them to those who sought to appease the Nazis before World War II. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton set aside their differences on diplomacy long enough to take objection to that statement.

Anne Frank: The Musical

Feb 23, 2008
There's an adage that cautions against making jokes about such categorically unfunny topics as the Holocaust but how about making musicals? This just in: The BBC brings word from Spain of the staging of a new musical, "Anne Frank: A Song to Life," which at times features "Kitty," a perhaps unwisely (and too literally) conceived character.

Navy to Obscure Giant Swastika

Sep 27, 2007
The Navy plans to spend $600,000 to obscure a San Diego-area building complex that happens to be shaped like a swastika. The buildings have been around since the 1960s and for years no one seemed to mind, but that was before the advent of Google Earth.