Narda ZacchinoFeb 13, 2018
"California Comeback" is an examination of the struggle between the regressive vision of Donald Trump and the progressive vision of Gov. Brown. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
By Narda ZacchinoAug 27, 2016
By rejecting the "race to the bottom" right-wing philosophy that catapulted conservative politics in recent years, California has become a laboratory of innovation Award-winning journalist Narda Zacchino examines this transformation in her new book By rejecting the "race to the bottom" right-wing philosophy that catapulted conservative politics in recent years, California has become a laboratory of innovation. Dig deeper ( 45 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigAug 19, 2016
Truthdig sat down with special guest Narda Zacchino and discussed what the once "failed state" of California can teach the rest of the United States. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
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Staff / TruthdigJun 30, 2011
This week on Truthdig Radio in collaboration with KPFK: Argentina's bloody past and New York's historic gay marriage moment Also, actor and activist Mike Farrell talks about death penalty injustice Plus, Robert and Peter Scheer celebrate (sort of) Justice Scalia Update: Full transcriptThis week: Argentina's bloody past, New York's gay marriage moment, Mike Farrell on death penalty injustice, and the Scheers celebrate (sort of) Scalia. Dig deeper ( 34 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigApr 14, 2011
President Obama has asked Gen Stanley McChrystal to oversee the administration’s new initiative to help military families What a slap in the face to the nation’s highest-profile military family—that of Army Ranger Pat Tillman—on whom McChrystal heaped misery and disrespect What a slap in the face to the nation’s highest-profile military family. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigApr 14, 2011
Mr Fish survives a MoveOn house party, Sandra Postel solves the water crisis, Daniel Denvir and James Harris take stock of segregation, Narda Zacchino puts Gen Stanley McChrystal in the dustbin of history, and Nomi Prins and Robert Scheer digest President Obama's speech Update: Full transcriptThis week we tackle the resurrection of Stanley McChrystal, segregation, the water crisis and Obama's deficit speech Plus: Mr Fish on MoveOn. Dig deeper ( 42 Min. Read )
Staff / TruthdigNov 12, 2010
Veterans were honored all across America Thursday, while the most famous veteran of our ongoing wars continues to be dishonored.Veterans were honored across America Thursday, while the most famous veteran of our ongoing wars continues to be dishonored. Dig deeper ( 7 Min. Read )
By Narda ZacchinoNov 4, 2009
George McGovern has some advice for President Barack Obama: Get U.S. troops out of Afghanistan. “I’m convinced that war is going to turn sour. I’m convinced we’re not going to prevail there,” he said.George McGovern says “I’m convinced that war is going to turn sour. I’m convinced we’re not going to prevail there.” Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
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