muammar gaddafi

Indian Summer for Arab Spring?

Oct 21, 2011
Thursday's death of Col. Moammar Gadhafi represents different things to different people -- long-awaited liberation, further evidence of American meddling on the world stage, or a powerful sign that the upheaval collectively known as the Arab Spring isn't over yet. (more)
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Goodman on Gadhafi

Oct 20, 2011
As Thursday's edition of "Democracy Now!" with anchor Amy Goodman went to air, the reports -- unconfirmed reports, as Goodman is careful to point out in this clip -- that Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi had been killed in his hometown of Surt were streaming in from Libyan and American sources.

Libyan Convoy Spotted in Niger

Sep 6, 2011
Reports have a large convoy of Libyan military vehicles crossing the border into Niger, but there is no indication that Moammar Gadhafi, his family or his advisers are on board. The Los Angeles Times reports that the convoy is made up of as many as 250 vehicles, though a local source puts the number at a few dozen.