
Truthdigger of the Week: Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Apr 27, 2014
Sotomayor's eloquent dissent against the decision to allow Michigan to discriminate by race and sex in the college admissions process has the power to wake those asleep in the dream of our country's presumed inevitable progress.Sotomayor's dissent against the decision to allow Michigan to discriminate by race and sex has the power to wake those asleep in the dream of our country's inevitable progress.
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Republicans Winning the War of Disenfranchisement

Oct 31, 2013
In the months after the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act under the argument that it is no longer necessary, regressive voting laws are taking root that threaten to snap the country back to the 1950s, disenfranchising minorities and women.

Minorities on Receiving End of Vast Majority of L.A. County Canine Unit Bites

Oct 11, 2013
Minorities in recent years have been the disproportionate target of police dogs used by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, but a new special counsel's report found that for the first six months of this year, all arrest suspects bitten by Sheriff's Department police dogs were African-American or Latino. And the dogs are deployed at an overwhelmingly higher rate in poor neighborhoods than in wealthy ones.