martin luther king jr

Sen. Kennedy Rallies Behind Obama

Jan 29, 2008
You've heard the news, now watch the speech: Sen. Ted Kennedy was careful to pay tribute to "friends" Hillary Clinton and John Edwards, but Monday's pep rally at American University in Washington, D.C., was all about Barack Obama, whom Kennedy calls "the candidate who inspires me" and the one most able to "renew our belief that our country's best days are still to come."

Martin Luther King Jr.: ‘A Society Gone Mad on War’

Jan 15, 2007
During the Vietnam War, Dr. King referred to our nation's government as "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today." Now that we find ourselves mired in another senseless conflict, our soldiers in harm's way and more and more among us suffering from the tyranny of poverty, we turn once again to the wisdom of Martin Luther King Jr.
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