
Boom Times for Pot Growers

Oct 21, 2009
The lousy economy has driven some Californians into the marijuana industry, which is doing a lot better than, say, construction. According to this Miller-McCune profile, California will grow an estimated $15 billion worth of weed in 2009, a good portion of it in the backyards and basements of amateurs and newcomers.

High Times for States’ Rights

Oct 20, 2009
The Justice Department is officially going to quit harshing the mellow of the 13 states that have medical marijuana laws on the books. Dispensaries and patients will no longer have to worry about federal raids -- unless they're "drug traffickers who hide behind claims of compliance with state law."
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Drugs, Guns and Reality

Mar 27, 2009
It's an indictment of our fact-averse political culture that a statement of the blindingly obvious could sound so revolutionary. Nevertheless, Hillary Clinton deserves high praise for acknowledging that the U.S. bears "shared responsibility" for the drug-fueled violence sweeping Mexico.

Protecting the Homeland From Homeland Security

Jan 28, 2009
As previously reported on Truthdig, there's a lot going on in Homeland Security that doesn't make it onto the reality show of the same name. The Center for Investigative Reporting's G.W. Schulz continues to dig into the department's unsavory bits, including an immigration officer who was arrested for allegedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl in Rio while there on official business.

So Much for the War on Drugs

Jul 2, 2008
Despite spending countless billions and passing draconian laws, the United States is anything but a drug-free zone The percentages of those in the US who have tried marijuana or cocaine are greater than the percentages of any other country surveyed, according to a new study The Netherlands, which has notoriously lax drug policies, had less than half the percentage of marijuana users and an even lower level of cocaine dabblers relative to the U.

War on Drugs a Bust

Jan 8, 2008
How will we know if the war on drugs is ever won? When all the kingpins are locked up or dead? That was once the prevailing idea among those on the front lines of the much-ballyhooed "war," which Rolling Stone scribe Ben Wallace notes has now gone on for over three decades and, in his view, is an utter failure.

Top Court: ‘Bong Hits 4 Jesus’ Not School-Friendly

Jun 26, 2007
In his "free-speech experiment" five years ago, senior Joseph Frederick displayed a large banner outside his high school in Juneau, Alaska, with the message, "Bong Hits 4 Jesus." As a result, he was suspended. Now the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against him.

UK Journal: Alcohol Worse Than Pot

Mar 25, 2007
Cigarettes and alcohol may cause more harm on the societal level than the seemingly harder drugs marijuana and ecstasy, according to a report released by British journal The Lancet. The study suggests that, despite appearances, the two commonly used and legal substances could be more dangerous than their outlawed counterparts.