los angeles times

Turbulent Times in N.Y., L.A. Newsrooms

Feb 16, 2008
It's been a lively week in the newspaper world, and the excitement hasn't exactly been of the desirable variety. Earlier in the week, Tribune Co. Chairman and CEO Sam Zell announced major cutbacks at Tribune papers across the country, and then The New York Times' Valentine's Day edition brought word that the Gray Lady will also be downsizing its staff.

MoveOn, L.A. Times Endorse Obama

Feb 2, 2008
Barack Obama had cause for celebration Friday. Though he still trails Hillary Clinton in most big states, he picked up two endorsements that will undoubtedly have an impact. MoveOn says it is already mobilizing its 3.2 million members -- more than half of whom live in super Tuesday states -- on behalf of Obama. The Los Angeles Times was flattering of Clinton, but, as the editorial board put it: "Clinton would be a valuable and competent executive, but Obama matches her in substance and adds something that the nation has been missing far too long -- a sense of aspiration."
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Transgender Sportswriter Surprised by Tolerance

May 15, 2007
One would think the sports world would be the last place a transgender person could happily transition from one sex to another, but to Christine Daniels' surprise, the opposite has been true. Daniels tells Newsweek about the fallout -- or lack thereof -- from her decision to stop being Mike Penner, a popular sports columnist for the Los Angeles Times, and resume her career with confidence, a new wardrobe and no writer's block.

Discrimination Claim at L.A. Times

Apr 27, 2007
Los Angeles Times Managing Editor Doug Frantz is facing accusations of discrimination for refusing to run a report about the Armenian genocide written by Mark Arax, a seasoned LAT writer of Armenian origin. Frantz claims Arax was biased in his take on the issue, but Armenian community leader Harut Sassounian says there's a much bigger story behind Frantz's move.

Media Conglomerate Considers Bids

Jan 21, 2007
Tribune Media, the conglomerate that owns the Los Angeles Times along with other major newspapers, TV stations and even the Chicago Cubs, announced it is considering offers for its sale. The economic wisdom of conglomeration has come under fire in recent years, but Tribune's troubles have raised concerns over the future of the newspaper industry in general.