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Obama Signs Student Loan Legislation

Mar 31, 2010
President Barack Obama made the short trip to Northern Virginia Community College on Tuesday to put the final touch -- his signature -- on legislation that included additional action items on the health care reform list and an overhaul of the federal student loan system.

Senate Passes Jobs Bill

Mar 17, 2010
A better job market could be on the way for Americans looking for work if the job-creation bill passed by the Senate on Wednesday gets President Barack Obama's approval, and if the legislation actually inspires employers to do some hiring.

Senate Dems Go for Job-Creation Angle

Feb 4, 2010
Just a day after their motivational session with President Barack Obama, Senate Democrats got back to the task of regaining some lost political capital, making a bid to better their situation and that of out-of-work Americans by introducing a job-creation package -- on the same day, the Los Angeles Times noted, that Massachusetts Sen.-elect Scott Brown was to be sworn in.

Pro-Union Bill in Trouble

Mar 25, 2009
Sen. Arlen Specter gave the proposed Employee Free Choice Act the shaft Tuesday, severely wounding legislation that would make forming unions significantly easier. Labor leaders were depending on support from moderates such as Specter, but, facing a primary challenge, the Pennsylvania Republican chickened out.

Bernie Sanders Wants Answers, Writes Legislation to Get Them

Mar 4, 2009
Fed chief Ben Bernanke may be able to dole out trillions in the blink of an eye, but on Tuesday he ran headlong into Congress' only independent democratic socialist. Sen. Bernie Sanders demanded to know where all the Fed's money was going. Bernanke said "no." Sanders fired back by introducing a bill that would require such information to be posted to the Fed's Web site.

Making Him Do It

Jan 30, 2009
Intragovernmental squabbling probably makes the conflict-averse Obama uncomfortable. But the “make him do it” dynamic could finally bring the center of Washington’s political debate closer to the progressive center of American public opinion.

Lilly Ledbetter Has Her Day

Jan 30, 2009
On Thursday, President Barack Obama signed his first bill into law -- the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act -- with the lofty aim of ensuring equal pay for equal work and eradicating workplace discrimination. The bill's namesake, a former Goodyear employee, was on hand, as was first lady Michelle Obama, who at a reception after the signing ceremony called Ledbetter “one of my favorite people."