lawrence summers

Protesters Confront Summers

Apr 10, 2009
Two protesters storm the stage during a talk by Lawrence Summers, who tries to laugh off the incident. If only there were something funny about President Obama's top economic adviser making $8 million last year from some of the financial firms that have benefited from his economic policies.

Living Large and in Charge

Apr 8, 2009
Not surprisingly, Lawrence Summers is convinced that he deserved every penny of the $8 million that Wall Street firms paid him last year. And why shouldn’t he be cut in on the loot from the loopholes in the toxic derivatives market that he pushed into law when he was Bill Clinton’s treasury secretary?

Wall Street Showered Obama’s Top Economic Adviser With Riches

Apr 6, 2009
Lawrence Summers is the man President Obama turns to for insight into the economy, so it's more than a little disturbing that the very financial institutions the taxpayers are now rescuing -- to the tune of nearly $3 trillion -- paid Summers almost $8 million last year. Goldman Sachs & Co., a major beneficiary of the government's largesse, paid him $135,000 for one speech.
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In for a Penny, In for $2.98 Trillion

Apr 1, 2009
The good news on the government’s “No Banker Left Behind” program is that, according to the special inspector general’s report on Tuesday, the total handout to date is still less than 3 trillion dollars. It's only $2.98 trillion, to be precise, an amount six times greater than will be spent by federal, state and local governments this year on educating the 50 million American children in elementary and secondary schools.

Obama’s Toxic Advisers

Mar 25, 2009
Bernie Sanders, the senator from Vermont who is independent in spirit as well as party label, has placed a hold on President Obama’s nomination of Gary Gensler to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Sounds like a minor issue to get worked up about, but I see this appointment as further evidence that the president has entrusted his economic policy to the wrong people.

Getting Warmer

Feb 25, 2009
We are lucky to have Barack Obama as president. I write that even though I believe the content of his Tuesday evening speech deserved no more than a B+ / A-, for its failure to seriously address the origins of the banking crisis and for only hinting at the severe military budget cuts required to get close to his goal of reducing the federal deficit by the end of his first term.

Auto Task Force … Activate!

Feb 17, 2009
What's to be done about the floundering American automotive industry? Appoint a "car czar," you say? No, this is a job for a whole team of people, such as the newly formed Presidential Task Force on Autos. One small hitch: It'll be headed up by Timothy Geithner and Lawrence Summers.

Runaway Wall Street

Feb 4, 2009
It is instructional that only one of the three tax-challenged Obama appointees has survived public scorn to claim a high position in the new administration. Oddly enough, it is Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the man who will collect our taxes, whose career has not been stunted by his failure to pay them.