
Rio Gets Female-Only Subway Cars

May 4, 2006
The Brazilian city becomes the third at least the fourth worldwide (after Mexico City, Tokyo and Cairo) to mandate female-only cars during rush hour--to guard against gropers and harassment. But many consider the law a major step backward for women's rights. (thanks to reader Hilary Tate for the correction)
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Afghan Could Get Death for Becoming a Christian

Mar 21, 2006
He converted to Christianity 16 years ago as an aid worker in Pakistan, an offense punishable by death under Sharia law. (Above: A judge holds the accused's Bible.) If you're shaking your head over this resurgence of religious fundamentalism, check out this earlier story on the Taliban's return to Afghanistan.

Judge Orders Google to Turn Over Some Data

Mar 14, 2006
A federal judge says he will require the search engine company to provide the government with some search-query data in connection with the Justice Dept.'s attempts to revive an online child pornography law. It's unclear what kind of and how much data the judge will order turned over. That strange shifting underneath your feet? It's the slippery slope we're all sliding down, toward an Orwellian future. Truthdig's Google expert Mark Malseed has the skinny on the implications of this battle.