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Most Americans Support Arizona Immigration Law

May 4, 2010
Give us your tired and your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, because we already have an abundance of selfish, mean xenophobes. Polls show that most Americans support Arizona's new immigration law, which makes it criminal to accept the Statue of Liberty's invitation. (continued)

Arizona Passes Harsh Anti-Immigration Bill

Apr 14, 2010
It's a sad day for anyone who is not a xenophobic, anti-immigrant militant: Arizona has passed the harshest anti-immigrant bill in the country, giving police the authority to detain anyone on "reasonable suspicion" that they are in the country illegally and arrest them if they don't have papers.

CNN, Dobbs Under Fire

Oct 24, 2009
CNN is in some agua caliente with pro-immigration groups after airing a four-hour "Latino in America" documentary -- an attempt to woo a Latino audience -- while at the same time employing Lou Dobbs, the commentator notorious for his anti-immigration views.

Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out

May 13, 2009
Pointing to a dramatic structural problem with schooling in Los Angeles, California's Department of Education reported Tuesday that the dropout rate of students in the L.A. Unified School District has risen to a whopping 34.9% for the 2008-09 school year.

It Pays to Be White

Mar 24, 2009
Black and Latino communities have long suffered significantly higher unemployment rates than those of whites, but the economic collapse is taking labor inequity to new and alarming places. Jobs data shows that blacks and Latinos aren't just more unemployed overall, but they're losing jobs faster than their white colleagues.