john kerry
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Student Tasered at Kerry Event

Sep 18, 2007
Guess he wasn't in the "free speech zone": University of Florida student Andrew Meyer apparently went on too long while asking Sen. John Kerry about his 2004 presidential run (among other questions) and was Tasered and arrested on Monday. Did the police overreact? That's where Internet video comes in handy.

Giuliani Forces GOP to Make a Choice

May 15, 2007
After trying to have it all ways and looking silly in the process, Rudy Giuliani finally came out and restated his support for a woman's right to choose. If he sticks with his decision, Giuliani will end the free ride his party has enjoyed on an issue that's supposed to be about morality, but has more often been used cynically to harvest votes.

Kerry Plays It Coy

Apr 16, 2007
Sen. John Kerry hinted that he may once again set his sights on the White House, perhaps even joining the lineup of '08 campaigners, while in Denver promoting a new book he co-wrote with wife.

Ohio Election Workers Sentenced for 2004 Rigging

Mar 15, 2007
Jacqueline Maiden and Kathleen Dreamer were each sentenced to 18 months for rigging a ballot recount in Ohio after the 2004 election. The judge seemed to agree that there may have been a conspiracy to defraud the voters, saying, "I can't help but feel there's more to this story." According to the Brad Blog, had John Kerry won just six more votes in each of the state's precincts, he would be president.

Kerry Limps On

Nov 20, 2006
John Kerry told Fox News he's still considering a run for the presidency, despite the fiasco over his now-infamous botched joke: "The people that I have talked to across the country, my team's confident and strong."