john edwards
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Is the National Enquirer’s Scoop on Edwards Pulitzer-Worthy?

Jan 22, 2010
To answer our own headline question: It remains to be seen whether this year's Pulitzer Prize committee members think so, but the editors at the National Enquirer apparently believe that their tabloid's coverage of John Edwards' extramarital affair has a shot at journalistic glory. They've thrown their reports on the former Democratic presidential candidate's liaison in for official consideration among the submissions for 2009.

The Worst Type of Cad

Sep 24, 2009
If widely reported revelations about John Edwards' childbearing affair are true, then the two-time presidential candidate is simply a bad person with no redeeming social or political value.Apparently John Edwards is simply a bad person with no redeeming social or political value.

A Nation of Narcissists

Mar 31, 2009
Is American exceptionalism just a euphemism for nationalized narcissism? Are narcissists to blame for the cataclysm on Wall Street? Stephen Colbert takes a read on the national zeitgeist and brings in Slate columnist Emily Yoffe to declare that certain public figures might suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. Let the armchair diagnosing commence!

Wrong Again, Bill

Dec 11, 2008
Foreign Policy magazine has identified the 10 worst predictions of the year William Kristol, who seems to get it wrong more often than right, tops the list with this doozy: "If [Hillary Clinton] gets a race against John Edwards and Barack Obama, she’s going to be the nominee Barack Obama is not going to beat Hillary Clinton in a single Democratic primary I’ll predict that right now".

Life After November 4th

Oct 24, 2008
Opinion surveys, voter registration totals and cable television ratings indicate that Americans have been engrossed by the marathon presidential campaign. In a week and a half, it'll be over. What will we do to fill the void in our lives?