joe conason

Centrists Finally Face Reality on Iraq

Jun 28, 2007
Sen. Richard Lugar, the Indiana Republican who has long served as his party's voice of moderation on foreign affairs, is better known for judiciousness than courage. As the ranking member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he has certainly taken his time assessing the catastrophic war in Iraq.
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Bush Breaks Neocon Taboo

May 31, 2007
For a brief moment on Memorial Day, the U.S. and Iran set aside decades of hostility to meet and talk. That short rendezvous, although upsetting to neoconservative warmongers and their nefarious plans, holds real promise for American security and prosperity.

Beware Murdoch’s ‘Necessary Promises’

May 17, 2007
While Rupert Murdoch is as conscious of his image as any other legendary villain, he also seems to possess a sense of humor -- or at least somebody around him does. Early in his ongoing bid to take over Dow Jones Publishing and The Wall Street Journal, a Murdoch spokesman said that the media mogul would reassure those who may fear for the paper's independence and integrity with all of the "necessary promises."

The GOP’s Reaganesque Tall Tales

May 10, 2007
Sensing their own smallness, contemporary politicians often seek to puff themselves up by appealing to myth and legend. For Republicans, there is no mythology more appealing than that of Ronald Wilson Reagan, as the party's presidential candidates eagerly demonstrated during their May 3 debate in the library that bears his name.

A Selective Definition of Voter Fraud

Apr 19, 2007
Even as Alberto Gonzales rehearsed his excuses for the strange dismissal of eight U.S. attorneys, which he performed in public at a Senate hearing this week, he was looking like a marginal player in this scandal. In keeping with his presidential nickname "Fredo," the attorney general probably never understood the broader plan originating in the Bush White House.