joe biden

Poll: Palin Helps Obama Pull Ahead in Colorado

Sep 23, 2008
Barack Obama is depending more and more on a Rocky Mountain victory and, according to a new poll, Sarah Palin may have just given him a boost there. It seems the Alaska governor's growing unpopularity among independent voters has helped Obama to a seven-point lead in the Centennial State.

Biden Strikes Back at McCain Campaign

Sep 16, 2008
Well, there you are, Joe Biden! After what seemed like ages out of the spotlight, the Democratic vice presidential nominee came out swinging at a campaign stop Monday in Michigan, casting Republican presidential hopeful John McCain as a Bush wannabe and part of "a culture in Washington where the very few wealthy and powerful have a seat at the table and the rest of us are on the menu."
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Palin the Debater

Sep 8, 2008
Sarah Palin and Joe Biden will go head to head on Oct. 2, but if you can't wait to see how McCain's No. 2 handles herself in rhetorical combat, take a look at this 2006 Alaska gubernatorial debate. There's a lot for Democrats to be worried about here.

Biden Grins at Rove’s ‘Doofus’ Diss

Sep 3, 2008
Either Joe Biden is practicing a kinder, gentler form of campaign-trail politics or Karl Rove's got another thing coming just not right this very moment On Tuesday, after hearing that Karl Rove called him a "big blowhard doofus" at the RNC the previous day, Biden just had a smile and a patriotic compliment for Bush's one-time sidekick.

So Much for ‘Country First’

Sep 2, 2008
John McCain and his supporters have been lecturing us about the grave and urgent dangers our country faces -- Islamic fundamentalism, the resurgence of Russia and other geopolitical threats. In a menacing world, McCain says, he will keep America safe. So, at 72 and with a history of cancer, how could McCain choose a vice presidential nominee who has, let's face it, zero experience in foreign affairs?

Obama on Biden, Palin

Aug 31, 2008
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama sat down for a "60 Minutes" interview with his vice presidential pick, Joe Biden, to talk about why he chose Biden and what he thinks about rival John McCain's choice, Gov. Sarah Palin, for whom Obama has a couple of nice words before noting that she "subscribes to John McCain's agenda."

‘We Cannot Turn Back’

Aug 29, 2008
In what was perhaps the most highly anticipated (and no doubt the most highly scrutinized) moment of his political career thus far, newly nominated Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama was saddled with a huge task Thursday night, but by the end, Obama had both thrown down the gauntlet and risen to the occasion -- at least in the eyes of thousands of supporters who came to see his history-making acceptance speech at Denver's Invesco Field.

With Friends Like Joe Biden …

Aug 28, 2008
During his speech to the Democratic convention, the aspiring veep praised the courage of his good friend, John McCain -- right before twisting the knife in his back. It's the vice presidential candidate's job to go on the attack, and Joe Biden does his job well.

The Cost of Saakashvili’s Folly

Aug 27, 2008
The West's response to the situation in Georgia evades acknowledgement of the damage Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili has done to the United States and NATO, and to Georgia itself, which for the foreseeable future will now be a nation of limited sovereignty, and an awkward embarrassment to its Western allies.