joe arpaio

Arizona Bears Down on Illegal Immigrants

Apr 2, 2010
Arizona is known for its anti-immigration climate, with vigilante sheriffs seemingly ruling the day. Now, that anti-immigration sentiment may be about to be implemented by the state's political system, as the Legislature votes on a bill that would significantly toughen laws against undocumented immigrants.

Immigration Debate Finds Center In Phoenix

Jan 15, 2010
A huge rally will converge in Phoenix on Saturday with activists calling for federal action to address Arizona's immigration problems. At the center of it all is Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a man accused of racial profiling in his notorious crusade against undocumented immigrants.

Arizona Sheriff Defies White House Order

Dec 13, 2009
Joe Arpaio, a notoriously anti-immigrant Arizona sheriff, in October was ordered by the White House to stop using his deputies to conduct federal immigration duties. Since then, he has launched investigations of his critics and become more aggressive in his sweeps against immigrants.
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Sun Sets on Anti-Immigration Sheriff

Oct 9, 2009
Joe Arpaio, a sheriff in Arizona known for his rabid anti-immigration stance and poor treatment of undocumented immigrants in his custody, has finally lost the federal power to enforce immigration law -- a power reserved for federal agents, not county sheriffs.